

2018年 全球高校冠军杯

由拳头游戏(Riot Games)与量子体育VSPN联合主办的“2018英雄联盟全球高校冠军杯(International College Cup ,简称ICC)”将于2018年8月16日-8月19日在正式开赛。本次大赛的小组赛将采取积分循环制,淘汰赛则采取冒泡赛制。届时来自全球十大国家及地区的十三支顶级高校战队将齐聚古城西安,为夺得本次英雄联盟高校顶级赛事的冠军奖杯展开激烈的角逐。

"2018 League of Legends International College Cup" (ICC), co-hosted by Riot Games and VSPN will take place at the ancient capital of Xi'an from August 16th to 19th. Group competition of this tournament will adopt the point circulation system, and the elimination stage will adopt the bubble system. At that time, top 13 college teams from top 10 countries and regions in the world will gather in Xi'an to compete fiercely for the championship of the highest league of League of Legends.